Taking Care of the World God Created

Learn various ways we can take care of the world God created.
Plan and carry out a service project related to taking care of the environment. Be sure to get permission and guidelines from appropriate authorities before beginning. Consider the following ideas:
- Pick up trash at a park or other public place.
- Help clean streams or other waterways.
- Plant trees or flowers in a public area.
- Collect cans, glass, plastic bags, or other recyclables to take to a recycling plant.
Please adapt activities as necessary to ensure all individuals are able to participate, belong, and contribute.
Adaptation Ideas:
- If you are not able to do a public service project, consider working with the bishop to pick up trash, plant flowers, or pull weeds around the church.
- Teach children about recycling. Discuss what can and cannot be recycled.
Show children how they can recycle by reusing old items in a new way. For example, you could use a milk carton or can to make a bird feeder, or you could make wind chimes out of cans.
Discussion Idea
How does caring for our environment show gratitude to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?